C++11 中是否有一个范围类可用于基于范围的 for 循环?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 range c++ c++11 std ranged-loops


I found myself writing this just a bit ago:

template <long int T_begin, long int T_end>
class range_class {
   class iterator {
      friend class range_class;
      long int operator *() const { return i_; }
      const iterator &operator ++() { ++i_; return *this; }
      iterator operator ++(int) { iterator copy(*this); ++i_; return copy; }

      bool operator ==(const iterator &other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
      bool operator !=(const iterator &other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }

      iterator(long int start) : i_ (start) { }

      unsigned long i_;

   iterator begin() const { return iterator(T_begin); }
   iterator end() const { return iterator(T_end); }

template <long int T_begin, long int T_end>
const range_class<T_begin, T_end>
   return range_class<T_begin, T_end>();


for (auto i: range<0, 10>()) {
    // stuff with i


Now, I know what I wrote is maybe not the best code. And maybe there's a way to make it more flexible and useful. But it seems to me like something like this should've been made part of the standard.


So is it? Was some sort of new library added for iterators over a range of integers, or maybe a generic range of computed scalar values?


C++标准库没有,但是Boost.Range 有 boost::counting_range,这当然是合格的.你也可以使用 boost::irange,在范围上更加集中.

The C++ standard library does not have one, but Boost.Range has boost::counting_range, which certainly qualifies. You could also use boost::irange, which is a bit more focused in scope.

C++20 的范围库将允许您通过 view 执行此操作::iota(start, end).

C++20's range library will allow you to do this via view::iota(start, end).
