使用 for 循环的无符号 int 反向迭代

2022-01-24 00:00:00 loops iteration for-loop overflow c++

我希望 for 循环中的迭代器变量将迭代反向为 0 作为 unsigned int,我想不出与 i > 类似的比较.-1,就像它是一个 signed int 一样.

I want the iterator variable in a for loop to reverse iterate to 0 as an unsigned int, and I cannot think of a similar comparison to i > -1, as you would do if it was a signed int.

for (unsigned int i = 10; i <= 10; --i) { ... }


But this seems very unclear, as it is relying on the numerical overflow of the unsigned integer to be above 10.


Maybe I just don't have a clear head, but whats a better way to do this...

免责声明:这只是一个简单的用例,上限10是微不足道的,可以是任何东西,i必须是一个unsigned int.

Disclaimer: this is just a simple use case, the upper limit of 10 is trivial, it could be anything, and i must be an unsigned int.



for( unsigned int j = n; j-- > 0; ) { /*...*/ }

它从 n-1 向下迭代到 0.

It iterates from n-1 down to 0.
