在基于 C++ 范围的 for 循环中获取当前元素的索引

2022-01-24 00:00:00 iteration for-loop c++ c++11


std::cin >> str;
for ( char c : str )
    if ( c == 'b' ) vector.push_back(i) //while i is the index of c in str

这可行吗?或者我将不得不使用老式的 for 循环?

Is this doable? Or I will have to go with the old-school for loop?


假设 strstd::string 或其他具有连续存储的对象:

Assuming str is a std::string or other object with contiguous storage:

std::cin >> str;
for (char& c : str)
    if (c == 'b') v.push_back(&c - &str[0]);
