C++ 中是否有一种惯用的方法来比较对象等价的多态类型?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 equality polymorphism c++

我有指向多态类型的两个实例的 Base* 指针,我需要确定引用的对象是否等价.

I have Base* pointers to two instances of a polymorphic type and I need to determine if the referenced objects are equivalent.

我目前的方法是首先使用 RTTI 来检查类型是否相等.如果类型相等,则调用虚拟 is_equivalent 函数.

My current approach is to first use RTTI to check for type equality. If the types are equal, I then call a virtual is_equivalent function.




For most of the derived classes, equivalent simply means that the member variables all the same value

在 C++ 中,这称为平等",通常使用 operator==() 实现.在C++中你可以重写操作符的含义,可以这样写:

In C++ this is called 'equality' and is usually implemented using operator==(). In C++ you can override the meaning of operators, it is possible to write:

MyType A;
MyType B;
if (A == B) {
    // do stuff

并让 == 调用您定义的自定义函数.

And have == call a custom function you define.


I think you want to differentiate equality from identity which would mean the same object (i.e. same address).


You can implement it as member function or free function (from wikipedia):

bool T::operator ==(const T& b) const;
bool operator ==(const T& a, const T& b);

在您的情况下,您想为基类实现 operator==,然后执行您正在执行的操作.

In your case you want to implement operator== for the base class, and then perform what you are doing.


More concretely it would look like this:

class MyBase
    virtual ~MyBase(); // reminder on virtual destructor for RTTI
    // ...
    virtual bool is_equal(const MyBase& other);

    friend bool operator ==(const MyBase& a, const MyBase& b); 

    // ...    

bool operator ==(const MyBase& a, const MyBase& b)
    // RTTI check
    if (typeid(a) != typeid(b))
        return false;
    // Invoke is_equal on derived types
    return a.is_equal(b);

class D1?: MyBase
    virtual bool is_equal(const Base& other)
        const D1& other_derived = dynamic_cast<const D1&>(other);
        // Now compare *this to other_derived

class D2?: MyBase;
{ };

D1 d1; D2 d2;
bool equal = d1?== d2; // will call your operator and return false since
                       // RTTI?will say the types are different
