
2022-01-24 00:00:00 sockets connection c c++


I have an application which needs to send some data to a server at some time. The easy way would be to close the connection and then open it again when I want to send something. But I want to keep the connection open so when I want to send data, I first check the connection using this function:

bool is_connected(int sock)
    unsigned char buf;
    int err = recv(sock,&buf,1,MSG_PEEK);
    return err == -1 ? false : true;


The bad part is that this doesn't work. It hangs when there is no data to receive. What can I do? How can I check if the connection is still open?


不要先检查再发送.这是浪费精力并且无论如何都不会工作 - 状态可能会在您检查和发送之间发生变化.只要做你想做的事,如果失败就处理错误.

Don't check first and then send. It's wasted effort and won't work anyway -- the status can change between when you check and when you send. Just do what you want to do and handle the error if it fails.


int error_code;
int error_code_size = sizeof(error_code);
getsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error_code, &error_code_size);
