如果您已经知道变量应该是常量,为什么还要使用关键字 const?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 c constants keyword c++

当变量的值不应该被修改时,我正在阅读的许多书籍都使用关键字 const.除了向代码的读者说明如果您修改此变量可能会导致错误(您可以使用注释来执行此操作),为什么您需要该关键字成为任何编程语言的一部分?在我看来,如果您不想修改变量,那就不要.

Many of the books that I am reading use keyword const when the value of a variable should not be modified. Apart from specifying to readers of the code that you may cause errors if you modify this variable (you can use comments to do this), why would you need that keyword to be a part of any programming language? It seems to me that if you don't want a variable modified, simply don't.


Could someone clarify this for me?



Apart from specifying to readers of the code that you may cause errors if you modify this variable(you can use comments to do this)


Not "may"; will cause errors in your program.

  • C++ 编译器将通过编译失败和诊断消息(编译器错误")强制执行,无需注释;
  • AC 编译器大部分都会强制执行它,尽管它的标准库由于遗留问题而存在漏洞,例如 strchr,并且它有一些相当宽松的隐式转换规则这可以让你在没有意识到的情况下放弃 constness.但是,编译成功并不意味着没有错误.不幸的是,它确实意味着错误可能是程序中的细微错误,也可能是严重的严重崩溃.
  • A C++ compiler will enforce it with compilation failures and diagnostic messages ("compiler errors"), with no need for comments;
  • A C compiler will enforce it for the most part, though its standard library has holes thanks to legacy, such as strchr, and it has some rather lenient implicit conversion rules that can allow you to drop constness without realising it quite easily. However, just because you got a successful compilation doesn't mean that you don't have errors; unfortunately, it does mean that the errors can be subtle bugs in your program, as well as big, spectacular crashes.


Either way, your program is guaranteed to contain an error inside it.


It seems to me that if you don't want a variable modified, simply don't.

这一切都很好,但没有人是完美的.程序员会犯错误.这允许编译器 —它从不犯错误(至少,通常不会)—向您指出它们.

Well that's all well and good, but nobody's perfect. Programmers make mistakes. This allows the compiler — which never makes mistakes (at least, not usually) — to point them out to you.


It's of particular use when you're using some data variable many, many lines of code away from where it was created. The further away it is, the easier it is to modify it without realising that you were not supposed to. For large, complex code bases it is simply a must.


You get a new measure of provability, correctness and stability in your code base, as well as a huge chunk off possible causes of really subtle and nasty bugs. There are also vast optimisation opportunities for your compiler (in some cases) when it knows that some value won't change after compilation.


We could list the advantages all day but, really, you won't fully grok it until you've worked on such a codebase.

事实上,在一个完美的世界里,所有变量默认都是const,你需要用关键字mutable来声明它们 以便能够更改它们.C++ 倒退了.

In fact, in a perfect world, all variables would be const by default, and you would need to declare them with the keyword mutable to be able to change them. C++ is backwards.
