声明一个类的 const 实例

2022-01-23 00:00:00 constants c++


Let's say I have a class defined as follows:

class foo{};


now, this is perfectly acceptable;

foo f;

这怎么会是编译器错误?(未初始化的 const ‘f’)

how come this is a compiler error? (uninitialized const ‘f’)

const foo f;


Why do we have to do this?

const foo f = foo();


I know why we can't do this..

const foo f(); // though it compiles..


Interestingly, the following is valid:

const std::string f;

那么 foo 中缺少什么?


I realize that there are three questions there and it's bad form, but I'm hoping someone can clear this up for me in one answer.


please feel free to close it if it's stupid...


你的类是一个 POD(本质上是因为它不提供默认构造函数).POD 变量在声明时不初始化.也就是这个:

Your class is a POD (essentially because it doesn’t provide a default constructor). POD variables are not initialized upon declaration. That is, this:

foo x;

不会将 x 初始化为有意义的值.这必须单独进行.现在,当您将其声明为 const 时,这可能永远不会发生,因为您不能再分配或更改 x.

does not initialize x to a meaningful value. This has to be done separately. Now, when you declare it as const, this may never happen because you cannot assign to or change x any more.

考虑与 int 的等价性:

int x; // legal
const int y; // illegal

正如您所注意到的,使用 std::string 而不是 foo 可以编译.那是因为 std::string 不是 POD.一个简单的解决方案是为 foo 提供一个默认构造函数:

As you have noticed, using std::string instead of foo compiles. That’s because std::string is not a POD. A simple solution to your dilemma is to provide a default constructor for foo:

class foo {
    foo() { }

现在你的 const foo x; 代码编译好了.

Now your const foo x; code compiles.
