const 引用和普通参数的区别

2022-01-23 00:00:00 reference parameters constants c++
void DoWork(int n);
void DoWork(const int &n);




The difference is more prominent when you are passing a big struct/class:

struct MyData {
    int a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;
    long array[1234];
void DoWork(MyData md);
void DoWork(const MyData& md);

当您使用普通"参数时,您按值传递参数,从而创建您传递的参数的副本.如果您使用的是 const 引用,则通过引用传递它,并且不会复制原始数据.

When you use use 'normal' parameter, you pass the parameter by value and hence creating a copy of the parameter you pass. If you are using const reference, you pass it by reference and the original data is not copied.


In both cases, the original data cannot be modified from inside the function.

在某些情况下,原始数据可能会被修改,正如 Charles Bailey 在他的 答案.
