如何静态链接 libstdc++

2022-01-23 00:00:00 g++ c++ libstdc++ static-linking

我试图让我的程序在另一台 libstdc++ 版本不同的机器上运行.我正在netbeans上开发和编译它.我已指定选项 -static-libstdc++ 但程序继续尝试在本地机器中加载 libstdc++.so.6.

I am trying to get my program working in another machine where libstdc++ versions is different. I am developing and compiling it on netbeans. I have specified the option -static-libstdc++ but the program continues trying to load libstdc++.so.6 in the local machine.

如何获得完全静态的 libstdc++ 链接?

How can I get a fully static libstdc++ link?



我不确定这里的确切情况,但我刚刚在不同版本的 Mac OS X 和 gcc 中遇到了类似的问题.我通过将我想要的实际 dylib 复制到与可执行文件相同的目录中并更改 DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 使其在/usr/lib 之前首先在那里搜索来解决它.

Not sure of the exact circumstances here, but I ran into a similar problem just now with different versions of Mac OS X and gcc. I worked around it by copying the actual dylib I wanted into the same directory as the executable and changing DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to have it search there first before /usr/lib.
