可变参数模板的 GCC 错误:“抱歉,未实现:无法将“标识符..."扩展为固定长度的参数列表"

2022-01-23 00:00:00 templates g++ metaprogramming c++ c++11

在 GCC 上使用 C++11 进行可变参数模板编程时,偶尔会收到一条错误消息,提示抱歉,未实现:无法将 '标识符...' 扩展为固定长度的参数列表."如果我删除代码中的...",我会得到一个不同的错误:错误:参数包没有用'...'扩展".

While doing variadic template programming in C++11 on GCC, once in a while I get an error that says "Sorry, unimplemented: cannot expand 'Identifier...' into a fixed-length arugment list." If I remove the "..." in the code then I get a different error: "error: parameter packs not expanded with '...'".

因此,如果我输入了...",则 GCC 将其称为错误,如果我将..."取出,则 GCC 也将其称为错误.

So if I have the "..." in, GCC calls that an error, and if I take the "..." out, GCC calls that an error too.


The only way I have been able to deal with this is to completely rewrite the template metaprogram from scratch using a different approach, and (with luck) I eventually come up with code that doesn't cause the error. But I would really like to know what I was doing wrong. Despite Googling for it and despite much experimentation, I can't pin down what it is that I'm doing differently between variadic template code that does produce this error, and code that does not have the error.

错误消息的措辞似乎暗示代码应该按照 C++11 标准工作,但 GCC 还不支持它.或者它可能是一个编译器错误?

The wording of the error message seems to imply that the code should work according the C++11 standard, but that GCC doesn't support it yet. Or perhaps it is a compiler bug?


Here's some code that produces the error. Note: I don't need you to write a correct implementation for me, but rather just to point out what is about my code that is causing this specific error

// Used as a container for a set of types.
template <typename... Types> struct TypePack
    // Given a TypePack<T1, T2, T3> and T=T4, returns TypePack<T1, T2, T3, T4>
    template <typename T>
    struct Add
        typedef TypePack<Types..., T> type;

// Takes the set (First, Others...) and, while N > 0, adds (First) to TPack.
// TPack is a TypePack containing between 0 and N-1 types.
template <int N, typename TPack, typename First, typename... Others>
struct TypePackFirstN
    // sorry, unimplemented: cannot expand ‘Others ...’ into a fixed-length argument list
    typedef typename TypePackFirstN<N-1, typename TPack::template Add<First>::type, Others...>::type type;

// The stop condition for TypePackFirstN:  when N is 0, return the TypePack that has been built up.
template <typename TPack, typename... Others>
struct TypePackFirstN<0, TPack, Others...> //sorry, unimplemented: cannot expand ‘Others ...’ into a fixed-length argument list
    typedef TPack type;


I've noticed that while a partial template instantiation that looks like does incur the error:

template <typename... T>
struct SomeStruct<1, 2, 3, T...> {};


template <typename... T>
struct SomeStruct<1, 2, 3, TypePack<T...>> {};


It seems that you can declare parameters to partial specializations to be variadic; i.e. this line is OK:

template <typename... T>


But you cannot actually use those parameter packs in the specialization, i.e. this part is not OK:

SomeStruct<1, 2, 3, T...>


The fact that you can make it work if you wrap the pack in some other type, i.e. like this:

SomeStruct<1, 2, 3, TypePack<T...>>


to me implies that the declaration of the variadic parameter to a partial template specialization was successful, and you just can't use it directly. Can anyone confirm this?


有一个技巧可以让它与 gcc 一起工作.该功能尚未完全实现,但您可以构建代码以避免未实现的部分.手动将可变参数模板扩展为参数列表是行不通的.但是模板专业化可以为您做到这一点.

There is a trick to get this to work with gcc. The feature isn't fully implemented yet, but you can structure the code to avoid the unimplemented sections. Manually expanding a variadic template into a parameter list won't work. But template specialization can do that for you.

template< char head, char ... rest >
struct head_broken
   static const char value = head;

template< char ... all >
struct head_works; // make the compiler hapy

template< char head, char ... rest >
struct head_works<head,rest...> // specialization
   static const char value = head;

template<char ... all >
struct do_head
   static const char head = head_works<all...>::value;
   //Sorry, unimplemented: cannot expand 'all...' into a fixed-length arugment list
   //static const char head = head_broken<all...>::value;

int main
   std::cout << head_works<'a','b','c','d'>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << head_broken<'a','b','c','d'>::value << std::endl;
   std::cout << do_head<'a','b','c','d'>::head << std::endl;

我用 gcc 4.4.1 对此进行了测试

I tested this with gcc 4.4.1
