g ++中的优化级别-O3危险吗?

2022-01-23 00:00:00 optimization g++ c++ compiler-flags

我从各种来源(尽管主要来自我的一位同事)听说,在 g++ 中使用 -O3 的优化级别进行编译在某种程度上是危险的",通常应该避免,除非证明是必要的.

I have heard from various sources (though mostly from a colleague of mine), that compiling with an optimisation level of -O3 in g++ is somehow 'dangerous', and should be avoided in general unless proven to be necessary.

这是真的吗?如果是,为什么?我应该坚持使用 -O2 吗?

Is this true, and if so, why? Should I just be sticking to -O2?


在早期的gcc(2.8等)和egcs的时代,redhat 2.96 -O3有时会出现很多bug.但这是十多年前的事了,-O3 与其他级别的优化(在错误方面)没有太大区别.

In the early days of gcc (2.8 etc.) and in the times of egcs, and redhat 2.96 -O3 was quite buggy sometimes. But this is over a decade ago, and -O3 is not much different than other levels of optimizations (in buggyness).


It does however tend to reveal cases where people rely on undefined behavior, due to relying more strictly on the rules, and especially corner cases, of the language(s).

作为个人说明,我多年来一直使用 -O3 在金融领域运行生产软件,并且还没有遇到如果我使用 -O2 就不会出现的错误.

As a personal note, I am running production software in the financial sector for many years now with -O3 and have not yet encountered a bug that would not have been there if I would have used -O2.


By popular demand, here an addition:

-O3 尤其是附加标志,如 -funroll-loops(-O3 未启用)有时会导致生成更多机器代码.在某些情况下(例如,在具有非常小的 L1 指令缓存的 CPU 上),这可能会由于所有的代码而导致速度变慢.一些内部循环现在不再适合 L1I.通常 gcc 会努力不生成这么多代码,但由于它通常会优化通用案例,因此可能会发生这种情况.特别容易出现这种情况的选项(如循环展开)通常不包含在 -O3 中,并在手册页中相应地标记.因此,使用 -O3 生成快速代码通常是一个好主意,并且仅在适当时(例如,当分析器指示 L1I 未命中时)回退到 -O2 或 -Os(尝试优化代码大小).

-O3 and especially additional flags like -funroll-loops (not enabled by -O3) can sometimes lead to more machine code being generated. Under certain circumstances (e.g. on a cpu with exceptionally small L1 instruction cache) this can cause a slowdown due to all the code of e.g. some inner loop now not fitting anymore into L1I. Generally gcc tries quite hard to not to generate so much code, but since it usually optimizes the generic case, this can happen. Options especially prone to this (like loop unrolling) are normally not included in -O3 and are marked accordingly in the manpage. As such it is generally a good idea to use -O3 for generating fast code, and only fall back to -O2 or -Os (which tries to optimize for code size) when appropriate (e.g. when a profiler indicates L1I misses).

如果您想将优化发挥到极致,您可以通过 --param 在 gcc 中调整与某些优化相关的成本.另外请注意,gcc 现在能够将属性放在仅控制这些函数的优化设置的函数中,因此,当您发现 -O3 在一个函数中存在问题时(或只想为该函数尝试特殊标志),你不需要用 O2 编译整个文件甚至整个项目.

If you want to take optimization into the extreme, you can tweak in gcc via --param the costs associated with certain optimizations. Additionally note that gcc now has the ability to put attributes at functions that control optimization settings just for these functions, so when you find you have a problem with -O3 in one function (or want to try out special flags for just that function), you don't need to compile the whole file or even whole project with O2.

otoh 似乎在使用 -Ofast 时必须小心,其中指出:

otoh it seems that care must be taken when using -Ofast, which states:

-Ofast 启用所有 -O3 优化.它还支持并非对所有标准都有效的优化合规程序.

-Ofast enables all -O3 optimizations. It also enables optimizations that are not valid for all standard compliant programs.

这让我得出结论,-O3 旨在完全符合标准.

which makes me conclude that -O3 is intended to be fully standards compliant.
