如何处理 Microsoft Visual C++ ( MFC ) 中特定控件的鼠标悬停事件?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 mouseevent hover c++ mfc

在我的应用程序中,我需要处理鼠标悬停事件来更改按钮的背景.使用 MFC 类向导,我在该项目的事件列表中找不到鼠标悬停条目.我尝试使用 PreTranslateMessage,但它不起作用.我该如何处理该事件?

In my application I need to handle mouse hover event to change the background of a button. Using the MFC class wizard, I couldn't find a mouse hover entry in the list of events for that item. I tried using PreTranslateMessage, but it doesn't work. How can I handle that event?


默认不生成鼠标悬停事件.您必须通过调用 TrackMouseEvent 来请求它们正确填充 TRACKMOUSEEVENT 结构:

Mouse hover events aren't generated by default. You have to request them by calling TrackMouseEvent with a properly populated TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure:

tme.cbSize = sizeof( tme );
tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER;
tme.hwndTrack = myButton;
tme.dwHoverTime = myHoverTime;  // HOVER_DEFAULT, or the hover timeout in milliseconds.
::TrackMouseEvent( &tme );

然后系统将生成 WM_MOUSEHOVER 消息如果鼠标悬停在 myButton 上 myHoverTime 毫秒.

The system will then generate WM_MOUSEHOVER messages if the mouse hovers over myButton for myHoverTime milliseconds.

由于 WM_MOUSEHOVER 消息已发布到请求鼠标悬停消息的窗口,因此您必须派生一个自定义按钮控件,并在其消息映射中包含适当的条目.特别是,您必须使用 ON_WM_MOUSEHOVER() 宏并实现 afx_msg void OnMouseHover(UINT, CPoint)(参见 WM_ 消息处理程序:L - M 供参考).

Since the WM_MOUSEHOVER message is posted to the window that requested mouse hover messages, you will have to derive a custom button control, with appropriate entries in its message map. In particular, you will have to use the ON_WM_MOUSEHOVER() macro and implement afx_msg void OnMouseHover(UINT, CPoint) (see WM_ Message Handlers: L - M for reference).
