如何使用 Boost 制作关键部分?

对于我的跨平台应用程序,我已经开始使用 Boost,但我无法理解如何实现代码来重现 Win32 的关键部分或 .Net 的 lock 的行为.

For my cross-platform application I have started to use Boost, but I can't understand how I can implement code to reproduce behavior of Win32's critical section or .Net's lock.

我想写一个方法Foo,可以从不同的线程调用来控制对共享字段的写操作.应该允许同一线程内的递归调用(Foo() -> Foo()).

I want to write a method Foo that can be called from different threads to control write operations to shared fields. Recursive calls within the same thread should be allowed (Foo() -> Foo()).

在 C# 中这个实现非常简单:

In C# this implementation is very simple:

object _synch = new object();
void Foo()
    lock (_synch)  // one thread can't be lock by him self, but another threads must wait untill
        // do some works
        if (...) 


通过 boost 你可以使用 boost::lock_guard<> class:

With boost you can use boost::lock_guard<> class:

class test
 void testMethod()
  // this section is not locked
   boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock(m_guard);
   // this section is locked
  // this section is not locked
    boost::recursive_mutex m_guard;

PS 这些类位于 Boost.Thread 库中.

PS These classes located in Boost.Thread library.
