c2955 错误 - 使用类模板需要参数列表

2022-01-22 00:00:00 stack templates vector c++

所以,我已经测试了矢量,它似乎运行良好.但是,我正在尝试实现一个基于我的 Vector 类的基本 Stack 类.我在构建时不断遇到这些错误:

So, I've tested vector and it seems to be running fine. However, I'm trying to implement a basic Stack class built off of my Vector class. I keep running into these errors when I go to build:

stack.h(4): error C2955: 'Vector' : use of class template requires template argument list


vector.h(11) : see declaration of 'Vector'
stack.h(13) : see reference to class template instantiation 'Stack<T>' being compiled

这里是 Vector.h 文件:

Here is the Vector.h file:

using namespace std;

const int SIZEFACTOR = 4;

template <class T>
class Vector{
    unsigned int size_Of_Vector; // # of Items in list
    unsigned int total_Vector_Capacity;//Total Capacity
    T * vector_array;//Items themselves

    void push_back(const T &e);
    void pop_back();
    bool empty();
    int size() const;
    void growVector();
    void shrinkVector();
    void shrinkToSize();
    int currentCapacity() const;

    const T & operator [] (int index){

        if((index >= size_Of_Vector) || index < 0){
            cout << "ERROR! Index not used: " << index
                 << " (max = " << size_Of_Vector << ")" << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;            

        return vector_array[index]; 
    };//End Operator    
};//End Header Definition

template <class T> 
    total_Vector_Capacity = 2;//Initially two items
    size_Of_Vector = 0;//Nothing is in the vector yet
    vector_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];//Initially two items
template <class T>
Vector<T>::~Vector (){//Destructor
         total_Vector_Capacity = 0;
         size_Of_Vector = 0;     
         delete [] vector_array;         
template <class T> 
void Vector<T>::growVector(){
    total_Vector_Capacity = total_Vector_Capacity * SIZEFACTOR; //Quarter Size

    //Temp Array
    T * temp_array;
    temp_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        temp_array[i] = vector_array[i];
    //Delete old array
    delete [] vector_array;
    //Re-initilize main array
    vector_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    //Copy old Data back to original array
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        vector_array[i] = temp_array[i];
    //Delete temp array
    delete [] temp_array;
template <class T> 
void Vector<T>::shrinkVector(){
    total_Vector_Capacity = (int) (total_Vector_Capacity / SIZEFACTOR); //Quarter Size

    //Temp Array
    T * temp_array;
    temp_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        temp_array[i] = vector_array[i];
    //Delete old array
    delete [] vector_array;
    //Re-initilize main array
    vector_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    //Copy old Data back to original array
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        vector_array[i] = temp_array[i];
    //Delete temp array
    delete [] temp_array;
template <class T> 
void Vector<T>::shrinkToSize(){
    total_Vector_Capacity = size_Of_Vector; //Quarter Size

    //Temp Array
    T * temp_array;
    temp_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        temp_array[i] = vector_array[i];
    //Delete old array
    delete [] vector_array;
    //Re-initilize main array
    vector_array = new T [total_Vector_Capacity];
    //Copy old Data back to original array
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_Of_Vector; i++){
        vector_array[i] = temp_array[i];
    //Delete temp array
    delete [] temp_array;
template <class T> 
void Vector<T>::push_back(const T &e){
    if(size_Of_Vector == total_Vector_Capacity){//Resize if size equals capacity
        cout << "
Grow now

    size_Of_Vector++;//Increase Vector Size
template <class T> 
void Vector<T>::pop_back(){
    if(size_Of_Vector == (int)(total_Vector_Capacity/SIZEFACTOR)){//Resize if size equals capacity
    cout << "
Shrink now
    size_Of_Vector--;//Increase Vector Size
template <class T>
bool Vector<T>::empty(){
        return true;
        return false;
template <class T>
int Vector<T>::size() const{
    return size_Of_Vector;
template <class T>
int Vector<T>::currentCapacity() const{
    return total_Vector_Capacity;


template <class T>
class Stack : public Vector{
    Vector<T> stack;
    void push(T x) {stack.push_back(&x)};
    void pop(){stack.pop_back()};
    bool empty(){stack.empty()};




You have defined Vector<T> as a member of Stack already, it's not necessary to inherit from Vector


template <class T>
class Stack : public Vector{       


template <class T>
class Stack {
   Vector<T> stack;   


Or if you want to inherit from a template class, you need to provide template parameter

template <class T>
class Stack : public Vector<T>{
//                         ^^^


你错过了 Stack 函数定义中的几个分号和 Stack::push_back 中的一个错误,我可能会建议更新到以下内容:

You miss a few semicolons in Stack function definition and a bug in Stack::push_back as well, I may suggest update to below:

template <class T>
class Stack 
    Vector<T> stack;
    void push(T const& x) {stack.push_back(x);}
    void pop(){stack.pop_back();}
    bool empty(){return stack.empty();}

