UDP 数据包在特定 PC 中小于 12 字节时会被丢弃.我该如何找出原因?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 windows tcp udp c++ winsock


i've stuck in a problem that is never heard about before.

我正在制作一个在特定角色动作中使用 UDP 数据包的在线游戏.在我开发了 udp 模块之后,它似乎工作正常.虽然我们的大多数团队成员都没有问题,但是一个人,他是我的老板,告诉我那个模块有问题.

i'm making an online game which uses UDP packets in a certain character action. after i developed the udp module, it seems to work fine. though most of our team members have no problem, but a man, who is my boss, told me something is wrong for that module.


i have investigated the problem, and finally i found the fact that... on his PC, if udp packet size is less than 12, the packet is never have been delivered to the other host.


  • 1~11字节的udp包被丢弃,12字节和12字节以上的包都OK.
  • 操作系统:Microsoft Windows Vista 商业版
  • NIC:Attansic L1 千兆以太网 10/100/1000Base-T 控制器
  • WSASendTo 返回 TRUE.
  • 回送 udp 数据包工作正常.


how do you think of this problem? and what do you think... what causes this problem? what should i do for the next step for the cause?

PS.我不想填充使所有数据包的长度达到 12 个字节.

PS. i don't want to padding which makes length of all the packets up to 12 bytes.


只是为了得到一个不明显的答案:可能 UDP 校验和卸载在该卡上被破坏,即数据包已发送,但被接收者丢弃?

Just to get one of the non-obvious answers in: maybe UDP checksum offload is broken on that card, i.e. the packets are sent, but dropped by the receiver?

您可以通过使用 Wireshark 查看接收到的数据包来检查这一点.

You can check for this by looking at the received packets using Wireshark.
