如何从 udp-socket (C/C++) 获取您自己的(本地)IP 地址
- 您有多个网络适配器.
- 将 UDP 套接字绑定到本地端口,无需指定地址.
- 在其中一个适配器上接收数据包.
How do you get the local ip address of the adapter which received the packet?
问题是,接收适配器的 IP 地址是什么?"不是我们在
The question is, "What is the ip address from the receiver adapter?" not the address from the sender which we get in the
receive_from( ..., &senderAddr, ... );
您可以枚举所有网络适配器,获取它们的 IP 地址,并将子网掩码覆盖的部分与发送者的地址进行比较.
You could enumerate all the network adapters, get their IP addresses and compare the part covered by the subnet mask with the sender's address.
IPAddress FindLocalIPAddressOfIncomingPacket( senderAddr )
foreach( adapter in EnumAllNetworkAdapters() )
adapterSubnet = adapter.subnetmask & adapter.ipaddress;
senderSubnet = adapter.subnetmask & senderAddr;
if( adapterSubnet == senderSubnet )
return adapter.ipaddress;