C++ STL栈问题:栈为空为什么pop()不抛出异常?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 exception stack c++ stl

如果堆栈为空且没有可弹出的内容,为什么 std::stack::pop() 不抛出异常?

Why does std::stack::pop() not throw an exception if the stack is empty and there is nothing to pop?


(I'm designing a specialized Stack for my own code and would like to know the tradeoffs with this approach (which requires one to manually check if the stack is empty) vs. throwing an exception.

我的猜测是,尽管 C++ 支持异常处理,但它的运行时开销很小,因此,为了获得最佳性能,决定不在 std::stack::pop 中抛出异常).

My guess here would be that although C++ supports exception-handling, it comes with a small runtime overhead, and therefore, for maximum performance, the decision was made not to throw an exception in std::stack::pop).


你是对的.C++ 标准总是更喜欢性能而不是安全.但可能存在包含调试范围检查的 STL 实现.

You are correct. The C++ standard always prefers performance to safety. But there may be STL implementations that include debug range checks.
