对于生产者和多个消费者来说,std::queue 线程是安全的

2022-01-21 00:00:00 queue containers c++ boost boost-thread


how can I make a queue thread safe? I need to push / pop / front / back and clear. is there something similar in boost?


I have one producer and one or more consumer.


您必须保护对 std::queue 的访问.如果你使用 boost 保护它使用 boost::mutex.现在,如果您有多个阅读器和一个编写器线程,请查看 boost::shared_lock(用于阅读器)和 boost::unique_lock(用于编写器).

You must protect access to std::queue. If you are using boost protect it using boost::mutex. Now if you have multiple readers and one writer thread look at boost::shared_lock (for readers) and boost::unique_lock(for writer).

但是,如果您遇到编写器线程不足的情况,请查看 boost::shared_mutex.

However if you will encounter writer thread starvation look at boost::shared_mutex.
