如何在 C++ 中创建一个位于堆而不是堆栈的数组?

2022-01-22 00:00:00 arrays malloc stack c++ heap-memory

我有一个非常大的数组,它的长度必须是 262144 个元素(将来可能会更大).我试过像这样在堆栈上分配数组:

I have a very large array which must be 262144 elements in length (and potentially much larger in future). I have tried allocating the array on the stack like so:

#define SIZE 262144
int myArray[SIZE];


However, it appears that when I try and add elements past a certain point, the values are different when I try to access them. I understand that this is because there is only a finite amount of memory on the stack, as opposed to the heap which has more memory.


I have tried the following without much luck (does not compile):

#define SIZE 262144
int *myArray[SIZE] = new int[SIZE];

然后我考虑使用 malloc,但我想知道是否有更类似于 C++ 的方式来执行此操作...

And then I considered using malloc, but I was wondering if there was a more C++ like way of doing this...

#define SIZE 262144
int *myArray = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * SIZE);

我应该只使用 malloc 吗?


你会想像这样使用 new:

You'll want to use new like such:

int *myArray = new int[SIZE];


I'll also mention the other side of this, just in case....


Since your transitioning from the stack to the heap, you'll also need to clean this memory up when you're done with it. On the stack, the memory will automatically cleanup, but on the heap, you'll need to delete it, and since its an array, you should use:

delete [] myArray;
