事件/任务队列多线程 C++

2022-01-21 00:00:00 multithreading queue c++ pthreads


I would like to create a class whose methods can be called from multiple threads. but instead of executing the method in the thread from which it was called, it should perform them all in it's own thread. No result needs to be returned and It shouldn't block the calling thread.


A first attempt Implementation I have included below. The public methods insert a function pointer and data into a job Queue, which the worker thread then picks up. However it's not particularily nice code and adding new methods is cumbersome.


Ideally I would like to use this as a base class which I can easy add methods (with a variable number of arguments) with minimum hastle and code duplication.


What is a better way to do this? Is there any existing code available which does something similar? Thanks

#include <queue>

using namespace std;

class GThreadObject
    class event
        void (GThreadObject::*funcPtr)(void *);
        void * data;

    void functionOne(char * argOne, int argTwo);

    void workerThread();
    queue<GThreadObject::event*> jobQueue;
    void functionOneProxy(void * buffer);
    void functionOneInternal(char * argOne, int argTwo);


#include <iostream>
#include "GThreadObject.h"

using namespace std;

/* On a continuous loop, reading tasks from queue
 * When a new event is received it executes the attached function pointer
 * It should block on a condition, but Thread code removed to decrease clutter
void GThreadObject::workerThread()
    //New Event added, process it
    GThreadObject::event * receivedEvent = jobQueue.front();

    //Execute the function pointer with the attached data

 * This is the public interface, Can be called from child threads
 * Instead of executing the event directly it adds it to a job queue
 * Then the workerThread picks it up and executes all tasks on the same thread
void GThreadObject::functionOne(char * argOne, int argTwo)

    //Malloc an object the size of the function arguments
    int argumentSize = sizeof(char*)+sizeof(int);
    void * myData = malloc(argumentSize);
    //Copy the data passed to this function into the buffer
    memcpy(myData, &argOne, argumentSize);

    //Create the event and push it on to the queue
    GThreadObject::event * myEvent = new event;
    myEvent->data = myData;
    myEvent->funcPtr = &GThreadObject::functionOneProxy;

    //This would be send a thread condition signal, replaced with a simple call here

 * This handles the actual event
void GThreadObject::functionOneInternal(char * argOne, int argTwo)
    cout << "We've made it to functionTwo char*:" << argOne << " int:" << argTwo << endl;

    //Now do the work

 * This is the function I would like to remove if possible
 * Split the void * buffer into arguments for the internal Function
void GThreadObject::functionOneProxy(void * buffer)
    char * cBuff = (char*)buffer;
    functionOneInternal((char*)*((unsigned int*)cBuff), (int)*(cBuff+sizeof(char*)));

int main()
    GThreadObject myObj;

    myObj.functionOne("My Message", 23);

    return 0;


这里有期货 库进入 Boost 和 C++ 标准库.ACE 中也有类似的东西,但我不愿意向任何人推荐它(正如@lothar 已经指出的那样,它是 Active Object.)

There's Futures library making its way into Boost and the C++ standard library. There's also something of the same sort in ACE, but I would hate to recommend it to anyone (as @lothar already pointed out, it's Active Object.)
