
2022-01-20 00:00:00 conditional templates c++ c++11


template < class T, class Y, class ...Args >
struct isSame
    static constexpr bool value = std::conditional<
                                      sizeof...( Args ),
                                      typename std::conditional<
                                          std::is_same< T, Y >::value,
                                          isSame< Y, Args... >, // Error!
                                          std::false_type >::type,
                                      std::is_same< T, Y > >::type::value;

int main()
    qDebug() << isSame< double, int >::value;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


error: wrong number of template arguments (1, should be 2 or more)

问题在于 isSame<double, int > 有一个空的 Args 参数包,所以 isSame<Y, Args... > 实际上变成了 isSame<;Y > 与签名不匹配.

The issue is that isSame< double, int > has an empty Args parameter pack, so isSame< Y, Args... > effectively becomes isSame< Y > which does not match the signature.

但我的问题是:为什么要评估那个分支?sizeof...( Args )false,因此不应评估内部 std:conditional.这不是运行时代码,编译器知道 sizeof..( Args ) 将永远 是 true 使用给定的模板类型.

But my question is: Why is that branch being evaluated at all? sizeof...( Args ) is false, so the inner std:conditional should not be evaluated. This isn't a runtime piece of code, the compiler knows that sizeof..( Args ) will never be true with the given template types.

如果你很好奇,它应该是 std::is_same 的可变参数版本,而不是它的工作原理......

If you're curious, it's supposed to be a variadic version of std::is_same, not that it works...



You have an error because the type has to be correct when used as template parameter.
You may use template specialization to solve your issue, something like:

#include <type_traits>

template <typename ... Ts> struct are_same;

template <> struct are_same<> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T> struct are_same<T> : std::true_type {};

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... Ts>
struct are_same<T1, T2, Ts...> :
        std::is_same<T1, T2>::value,
        are_same<T2, Ts...>,

static_assert(are_same<char, char, char>::value, "all type should be identical");
static_assert(!are_same<char, char, int>::value, "all type should not be identical");
