GDB C++ - 在查看核心转储时检查 STL 容器?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 gdb coredump c++ stl

我正在 gdb 中调试我的程序的核心转储(事后分析).我打开它:gdb [程序名称] [核心名称]

I'm debugging a core dump of my program (post-mortem) inside gdb. I opened it with: gdb [program_name] [core_name]

但是,当我尝试检查 STL 向量时,例如打印 vec->size()或者打印 vec->at(0)

However when I attempt to inspect a STL vector, e.g. print vec->size() or print vec->at(0)



"You can't do that without a process to debug"

我只是想检查这些容器的内容和大小.有什么方法可以将虚拟进程附加到核心转储 gdb 检查,以便我可以做到这一点?

I'm just trying to inspect the contents and sizes of these containers. Is there any way to attach a dummy process to a core-dump gdb inspection so I can do this?



(gdb) print *vec


Then familiarize yourself with the internals of your implementation's vector and print the raw buffer. Often called "_M_buffer" or something like that. Depending on how yours is done there may be an internal object that the buffer is inside of.
