在 Clion 的调试器中,如何显示一个 int 数组的全部内容

2022-01-20 00:00:00 debugging c gdb c++ clion

现在它只显示数组的第一个元素,但我想要查看数组中的所有元素.我认为 Clion 正在使用 GDB.

Right now it is only showing the first element of the array but I want a visual of all the elements in the array. I think Clion is using GDB.


I am referring specifically to arrays on the heap. Arrays on the stack can be visualised.


很遗憾,CLion 目前不支持该功能.正如 JetBrains 员工 建议的那样,您可以使用解决方法.在 Evaluate/Watches 窗口中使用以下表达式:

Unfortunately, CLion doesn't currently support such feature. As suggested by JetBrains employee, you can use a workaround. In Evaluate / Watches window use the following expression:



You can use arbitrary array size; whatever works for you.

如果你的数组存储在 void * 变量中,你需要做一些更棘手的事情:

If you array is stored in void * variable, you need to do something more tricky:

