Qt5 的 GDB 漂亮打印机

2022-01-20 00:00:00 python qt5 qt gdb c++

在哪里可以找到用于 qt5 的 gdb 漂亮打印机?

我只能在 kde 开发者网站上找到 qt4.也许有人知道是否存在用于新版 Qt 的漂亮打印机以及我在哪里可以找到它们.

我知道可以使用最新版本的 QtCreator,但我只需要用于 GDB 的普通 python 脚本.


https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Debugging_with_GDB 仅部分兼容 Qt 5.某些类型(如 QByteArray)未正确处理.

Alex Merry 曾在 Qt 5 漂亮的打印机上工作,并尝试将这些打印机推入 Qt5 Base包(不幸的是它没有成功).为方便起见,我在 https://github.com/Lekensteyn/qt5printers 上提供了他的打印机p>

Where I can find gdb pretty printers for qt5?

I could find only for qt4 on kde developer site. Maybe somebody knows whether pretty printers for new version of Qt exist and where I can find them.

I know that it's possible to use latest version of QtCreator, but I need just plain python scripts for GDB.


The pretty printers listed on https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Debugging_with_GDB are only partially compatible with Qt 5. Some types (such a QByteArray) are not handled correctly.

Alex Merry has worked on Qt 5 pretty printers and tried to push these into the Qt5 Base packages (unfortunately it did not made it). For convenience, I have made his printers available at https://github.com/Lekensteyn/qt5printers
