在 GDB 中抛出特定异常类型时如何中断?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 gdb c++


According to the documentation I can break on specific exception type by using conditional breakpoints. However the syntax for the condition isn't very clear to me:

condition bnum <expression>


Looking at the expression syntax I think this is the pattern I need:

{type} 地址

但是,我不知道应该为 addr 参数传递什么.我尝试了以下方法:

However, I don't know what I should pass for the addr argument. I tried the following:

(gdb) catch throw
(gdb) condition 1 boost::bad_function_call *

但它不起作用(gdb 中断所有异常类型).

But it doesn't work (gdb breaks on all exception types).



我也尝试了@Adam 的建议,但它会导致错误消息:


I also tried @Adam's suggestion, but it results in an error message:

(gdb) catch throw boost::bad_function_call
Junk at end of arguments.

没有 boost:: 命名空间:

(gdb) catch throw bad_function_call
Junk at end of arguments.


打破 bad_function_call 的构造函数是可行的.


Breaking in the constructor of bad_function_call works.



文档建议 catch throw <exceptname> 可用于在抛出 <exceptname> 类型的异常时中断;但是,这在实践中似乎行不通.

The documentation suggests that catch throw <exceptname> can be used to break whenever an exception of type <exceptname> is thrown; however, that doesn't seem to work in practice.

(gdb) help catch
Set catchpoints to catch events.
Raised signals may be caught:
        catch signal              - all signals
        catch signal <signame>    - a particular signal
Raised exceptions may be caught:
        catch throw               - all exceptions, when thrown
        catch throw <exceptname>  - a particular exception, when thrown
        catch catch               - all exceptions, when caught
        catch catch <exceptname>  - a particular exception, when caught
Thread or process events may be caught:
        catch thread_start        - any threads, just after creation
        catch thread_exit         - any threads, just before expiration
        catch thread_join         - any threads, just after joins
Process events may be caught:
        catch start               - any processes, just after creation
        catch exit                - any processes, just before expiration
        catch fork                - calls to fork()
        catch vfork               - calls to vfork()
        catch exec                - calls to exec()
Dynamically-linked library events may be caught:
        catch load                - loads of any library
        catch load <libname>      - loads of a particular library
        catch unload              - unloads of any library
        catch unload <libname>    - unloads of a particular library
The act of your program's execution stopping may also be caught:
        catch stop

C++ exceptions may be caught:
        catch throw               - all exceptions, when thrown
        catch catch               - all exceptions, when caught
Ada exceptions may be caught:
        catch exception           - all exceptions, when raised
        catch exception <name>    - a particular exception, when raised
        catch exception unhandled - all unhandled exceptions, when raised
        catch assert              - all failed assertions, when raised

Do "help set follow-fork-mode" for info on debugging your program
after a fork or vfork is caught.

Do "help breakpoints" for info on other commands dealing with breakpoints.
