适用于 Mac 的 C++ IDE

2022-01-20 00:00:00 macos ide c++

我使用 Visual Studio 教授 C++ 课程.我的一个学生有一台 Mac,正在寻找在他的机器上使用的 IDE.有什么好推荐的?

I teach a C++ course using Visual Studio. One of my students has a Mac and was looking for an IDE to use on his machine. What would be good to recommend?


Xcode 是MacOS 开发者工具的一部分是一个很棒的 IDE.还有 NetBeans 和 Eclipse 可以配置为构建和编译 C++ 项目.

Xcode which is part of the MacOS Developer Tools is a great IDE. There's also NetBeans and Eclipse that can be configured to build and compile C++ projects.

Clion 来自 JetBrains,现在也可以使用,并使用 Cmake 作为项目模型.

Clion from JetBrains, also is available now, and uses Cmake as project model.
