
2022-01-20 00:00:00 gdb c++


I wrote a function similar to this:

class abc {
    private :
    int m_var ;
    public :
    int func() { return m_var ; }

当我尝试使用 gdb 中的 abc 对象指针打印 func() 时,它给出了错误:

When I try to print the func() using an abc object pointer in gdb, it is giving the error:



How to can I print values from an inlined function?



You got this error because you put func's definition in the class body and it's small enough, so, first, the compiler inlined this function ---- that means, the compile will substitute all the appearance of this function's call with its definition, and no definition of this function will be in the executable file. And, second, you didn't really call that function in your program, so in fact, this function never exist in your final executable file!


  1. 您可以将 func 的定义放在类体之外.
  2. 在您的程序中的任何地方调用 func.
