C/C++ 需要一种聪明的方法来跟踪函数调用

2022-01-20 00:00:00 c gdb c++ c-preprocessor

或者有没有办法使用 gdb 打印出有用的信息,而不必单步执行代码.

I am looking for a clever way to track function calls and returns. I know I can use the debugger, but I would like a way to just have it print something out to the terminal when calling a function vs having to step through code.
I am thinking that I might be able to use the preprocessor, but I am not sure what would be the best way to go about this.
Or is there a way to use gdb to print out the information that would be useful, while not having to step through the code.



Most compilers allow you to inject an instrumentation function before and after the function call.

在 MSVC 中,它们是 _penter_pexit.一篇不错的文章:http://www.drdobbs.com/184403601.

In MSVC they are _penter and _pexit. A nice article: http://www.drdobbs.com/184403601.

在 GCC 中,您将使用 -finstrument-functions 选项,请参阅 文档.

In GCC you would use the -finstrument-functions option, see the docs.


You can use debug libaries or map files to get more info.
