使用数组作为元组成员:有效的 C++11 元组声明?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 tuples clang c++ c++11

下面的代码可以在 G++ 4.7.2 中正常编译:

The code below compiles fine with G++ 4.7.2:

#include <tuple>
std::tuple<float,int[2]> x;

但是,使用 clang++ 3.2,会产生以下错误:

With clang++ 3.2, however, the following error is produced:


如果我从元组声明中删除 float 类型,错误就会消失.上面的元组声明有效吗?

If I remove the float type from the tuple declaration, the error disappears. Is the above tuple declaration valid?

($CXX -std=c++11 -c file.cpp)



I don't think there is anything in the Standard that forbids your declaration. However, you will run into problems as soon as you try to initialise, copy, move or assign your tuples, because for these operations, all member types of the tuple must be able to be used as initialisers, copy-constructible, copy-assignable and move-assignable, respectively (§ None of this is the case for arrays.

最好使用 std::array 而不是 C 风格的数组:

You will be better off using std::array instead of C-style arrays:

#include <tuple>
#include <array>
std::tuple<float,std::array<int,2> > x;
