cURL 与 Visual Studio 2013

2022-01-20 00:00:00 curl libcurl c++ visual-studio-2013 nuget

所以我将 cURL 作为一个非常好的库一起出现,并且在 OSX 中工作得很好.但是现在在 Windows 上,我在准备这个库时遇到了很大的麻烦.我现在用谷歌搜索了大约 2 天,并尝试了十几种(详细)不同的方法来准备这个.根本没有任何成功.

So i have came along with cURL as a very nice library and working very fine in OSX. But on windows now i have got big troubles with getting ready with this library. I googled now for about 2 days and tried over a dozen (in detail) different ways to get this ready. Without any success at all.


Here are some ways I basically tried:

  1. 直接下载:这里的问题已经从正确的下载开始.官方下载页面非常混乱,所以我考虑了这个cURL 下载向导">libcurl 开发",它给了我一个版本,我应该能够将它包含到任何项目中.但究竟如何包含它呢?在任何说明中,它都会引导我进入我什至没有的目录.几乎总是提到这个curllib.lib".我在那个下载页面上下载了大约 6 个不同的版本,其中没有一个有这个文件.(例如参见此说明)
  2. Git + CMake:作为上述链接的解决方案,建议在此使用 git clone.我在那里做了所有的说明,并且只用警告生成了项目.但这里也说:
    构建安装目标后,您会在 C:curl.vc12 中找到 bin/include/lib 文件夹
    好吧,我并没有真正理解他的构建安装目标"的意思,我只是构建整个项目地图.编译正常(115 成功,0 失败,2 跳过).但是现在 C:curl.vc12 不存在.在编译之前我必须预先设置什么?
  3. NuGet:这个想法再次来自第 (1) 点中的链接,这是使用 NuGet 的不同解决方案.
    Successfully added 'curl' to test. 看起来也不错,但是编译 simple.c 会导致一堆 unresolved external symbol 链接器错误.但是提供了一个解决方案:
    确保在项目属性的 Visual C++ 目录下指定包含目录和 lib 目录.
    所以在 Project >属性>VC++ 属性 >包括目录"
    Project >属性>VC++ 属性 >库目录"
    以及 Project >C/C++ >一般 >附加包含目录"Project >链接器>一般 >附加库目录" 我拼命地从我的项目文件夹中添加了 packages 路径.
    如说明中所述,我将 libcurl.lib;libeay32.lib;ssleay32.lib;Ws2_32.lib;libssh2.lib;zlib.lib;wldap32.lib; 添加到 Project >链接器>输入>其他依赖项".
    所有这些都完成了,unresolved external symbol 错误消失了!因此,我只收到一个错误提示 cannot open file 'libcurl.lib'.我可以在这里做什么?
  1. The direct Download: The problem here already starts with the right download. The official download page is pretty confusing, so i considered this "cURL Download Wizard" > "libcurl development" which gives me a version, that i should be able to include into any project. But how exactly to include it? In ANY instructions out there it leads me to directories i dont even have. Almost always this "curllib.lib" is mentioned. I downloaded about 6 different versions on that downloadpage, in none of them there is this file. (See for example this instruction)
  2. Git + CMake: As a solution on the aboves Link there is suggested to use git clone on this. I did all the instructions there and also get the Projects generated with just warnings. But here it says as well:
    After building install target, your will find bin/include/lib folders in C:curl.vc12
    Well, i did not really get his point of "build install target", i just build the entire project map as it comes. Compiles fine (115 succeeded, 0 failed, 2 skipped). But now C:curl.vc12 is not there. What do i have to pre-setup before compiling this?
  3. NuGet: The idea comes from the link in point (1) again, a different solution with NuGet.
    With Successfully added 'curl' to test. it also seemed nice, but compiling simple.c leads to a bunch of unresolved external symbol linker errors. But a solution is provided:
    Make sure the include directory and lib directory are specified under the Visual C++ directories in project properties.
    So in Project > Properties > VC++ Properties > "Include Directories" and
    Project > Properties > VC++ Properties > "Library Directories"
    as well as in Project > C/C++ > General > "Additional Include Directories" and in Project > Linker > General > "Additional Library Directories" I desperately added the packages path from my project folder.
    As mentioned in the instructions, I added libcurl.lib;libeay32.lib;ssleay32.lib;Ws2_32.lib;libssh2.lib;zlib.lib;wldap32.lib; to Project > Linker > Input > "Additional Dependencies".
    All that done, the unresolved external symbol errors are gone! Therefore I get just one error saying cannot open file 'libcurl.lib'. What can I do here?

我使用 Visual Studio 2013 社区版.当前最新版本的 cURL 是 7.42.1.非常欢迎任何帮助!

I am pretty new to all that. But I am trying really hard now to get this finally to work. So what can I do?
I work with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition. The currently most recent version of cURL is 7.42.1. Any help is highly welcome!


自己有问题,现在终于搞定了.我从官方网站下载了在存档中,您会找到源代码和 winbuild/BUILD.WINDOWS.txt,其中基本上包含我遵循的说明.我假设它已经解压缩到 C:curl-7.42.1.

Had problems myself, finally got it working now. I downloaded from the official website. Within the archive you'll find the source code and winbuild/BUILD.WINDOWS.txt, which basically contains the instructions I followed. I'll assume that it has been unzipped to C:curl-7.42.1.

打开 Visual Studio 命令提示符 位于

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7ToolsShortcuts

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7ToolsShortcuts

这会自动设置使用编译器等 Visual Studio 工具所需的环境变量.然后移动到winbuild目录并调用

This automatically sets the environment variables needed to use Visual Studio tools like the compiler. Then move to the winbuild directory and call

nmake/f mode=dll

nmake /f mode=dll


as described in the text file I mentioned above.




包含 libcurl.dll、libcurl.lib 和必要的头文件.我们把它重命名为 C:curl-7.42.1uildselease :'D

containing libcurl.dll, libcurl.lib and the necessary header files. Let's rename it to C:curl-7.42.1uildselease :'D

  1. 然后打开您的项目.
  2. 打开项目的属性.
  3. 确保选择 Release 作为配置(左上角)!
  4. 导航到 VC++ 目录 >包含目录并添加C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaseinclude
  5. C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaselib 添加到 VC++ 目录 >库目录.
  6. 转到链接器>输入>附加依赖项并添加libcurl.lib.
  7. 最后将C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaseinlibcurl.dll复制到你的项目文件夹中.
  1. Then open your project.
  2. Open your project's properties.
  3. Make sure you choose Release as configuration (top left corner)!
  4. Navigate to VC++ Directories > Include directories and add C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaseinclude
  5. Add C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaselib to VC++ Directories > Library directories.
  6. Go to Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies and add libcurl.lib.
  7. Finally copy C:curl-7.42.1uildseleaseinlibcurl.dll to your project folder.

这应该可以解决问题!:D 如果你想在调试模式下使用 cURL,你几乎可以这样做,使用 nmake/f mode=dll debug=yes 重新编译,进入你的项目的属性,添加新的创建目录路径(将 libcurl.lib 更改为 libcurl_debug.lib),您应该完成了.

That should do the trick! :D If you want to use cURL in debug mode, you can do almost the same, recompile using nmake /f mode=dll debug=yes, go to your project's properties, add the newly created directory paths (changing libcurl.lib to libcurl_debug.lib) and you should be done.
