在 Windows 7 上以编程方式更改系统范围的扬声器平衡

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python windows audio windows-7


如何在 Windows 7 上以编程方式更改系统范围的扬声器平衡?

How can I programmatically change system-wide speaker balance on Windows 7?

(我只能用 Python 和 AHK 编程.)

(I can only program in Python and AHK.)


快捷方式(由@AndreMiras 创建)-->使用 Pycaw ,Pycaw的用法可以参考这里

Shortcut(created by @AndreMiras) --> use Pycaw , usage of Pycaw can be find here


Detailed way -- > First install python package Comtypes either by

  1. 使用 pip install comtypes

从 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/comtypes 下载然后解压下载文件夹.在提取的文件夹中找到 setup.py.打开cmd进入setup.py的路径,然后运行命令python setup.py install

download from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/comtypes and then extract the download folder. Find setup.py in extracted folder . Open cmd go to the path of setup.py and then run the command python setup.py install

现在只需运行 code.py 文件,您可以通过更改函数的第一个参数来调整音量 SetMasterVolumeLevel(-25, None) 第一个参数必须是在 -65 到 0 之间.我已经在 Windows 8 中尝试过此代码,希望它可以在 Windows 7 上运行.

Now just run the code.py file and you can adjust the volume by changing the first argument of function SetMasterVolumeLevel(-25, None) the first argument must be in between -65 to 0. I have tried this code in windows 8 hopefully it will work on windows 7.

查看最后几行代码以找到 volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(-25, None) 并调整 PC 的音量

See at the last lines of code to find the volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(-25, None) and to adust the volume of PC


from comtypes import *
import comtypes.client
from ctypes import POINTER
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, BOOL

MMDeviceApiLib = 
IID_IMMDevice = 
IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = 
CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = 
IID_IMMDeviceCollection = 
IID_IAudioEndpointVolume = 

class IMMDeviceCollection(IUnknown):
    _iid_ = GUID('{0BD7A1BE-7A1A-44DB-8397-CC5392387B5E}')

class IAudioEndpointVolume(IUnknown):
    _iid_ = GUID('{5CDF2C82-841E-4546-9722-0CF74078229A}')
    _methods_ = [
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'RegisterControlChangeNotify', []),
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'UnregisterControlChangeNotify', []),
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'GetChannelCount', []),
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'SetMasterVolumeLevel',
            (['in'], c_float, 'fLevelDB'),
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar',
            (['in'], c_float, 'fLevelDB'),
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetMasterVolumeLevel',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfLevelDB')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfLevelDB')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'SetChannelVolumeLevel',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'nChannel'),
            (['in'], c_float, 'fLevelDB'),
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'nChannel'),
            (['in'], c_float, 'fLevelDB'),
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetChannelVolumeLevel',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'nChannel'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfLevelDB')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'nChannel'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfLevelDB')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'SetMute',
            (['in'], BOOL, 'bMute'),
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetMute',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(BOOL), 'pbMute')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetVolumeStepInfo',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pnStep'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pnStepCount'),
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'VolumeStepUp',
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'VolumeStepDown',
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'pguidEventContext')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'QueryHardwareSupport',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(DWORD), 'pdwHardwareSupportMask')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetVolumeRange',
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfMin'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfMax'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(c_float), 'pfIncr')


class IMMDevice(IUnknown):
    _iid_ = GUID('{D666063F-1587-4E43-81F1-B948E807363F}')
    _methods_ = [
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'Activate',
            (['in'], POINTER(GUID), 'iid'),
            (['in'], DWORD, 'dwClsCtx'),
            (['in'], POINTER(DWORD), 'pActivationParans'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(POINTER(IAudioEndpointVolume)), 'ppInterface')
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'OpenPropertyStore', []),
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'GetId', []),
        STDMETHOD(HRESULT, 'GetState', [])

class IMMDeviceEnumerator(comtypes.IUnknown):
    _iid_ = GUID('{A95664D2-9614-4F35-A746-DE8DB63617E6}')

    _methods_ = [
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'EnumAudioEndpoints',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'dataFlow'),
            (['in'], DWORD, 'dwStateMask'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(POINTER(IMMDeviceCollection)), 'ppDevices')
        COMMETHOD([], HRESULT, 'GetDefaultAudioEndpoint',
            (['in'], DWORD, 'dataFlow'),
            (['in'], DWORD, 'role'),
            (['out','retval'], POINTER(POINTER(IMMDevice)), 'ppDevices')

enumerator = comtypes.CoCreateInstance( 

print enumerator
endpoint = enumerator.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint( 0, 1 )
print endpoint
volume = endpoint.Activate( IID_IAudioEndpointVolume, comtypes.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, None )
print volume
print volume.GetMasterVolumeLevel()
print volume.GetVolumeRange()
#volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(-65, None) uncomment for 0 volume
#volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(-1, None) uncomment for full volume
volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(-25, None) #Change the first argument for controlling the volume remember it should be -ve not less than -65
