
2022-01-20 00:00:00 indexing tuples runtime c++ c++11


I have written the following basic Tuple template:

template <typename... T>
class Tuple;

template <uintptr_t N, typename... T>
struct TupleIndexer;

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
class Tuple<Head, Tail...> : public Tuple<Tail...> {

    Head element;

    template <uintptr_t N>
    typename TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...>::Type& Get() {
        return TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...>::Get(*this);

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return sizeof...(Tail) + 1;

    friend struct TupleIndexer<0, Head, Tail...>;


template <>
class Tuple<> {

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return 0;


template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<0, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef Head& Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return tuple.element;


template <uintptr_t N, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef typename TupleIndexer<N - 1, Tail...>::Type Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return TupleIndexer<N - 1, Tail...>::Get(*(Tuple<Tail...>*) &tuple);


它工作得很好,我可以使用 tuple.Get<Index>() 以类似数组的方式访问元素 - 但我只能这样做,如果我知道编译时的索引.但是,我需要在运行时按索引访问元组中的元素,并且在编译时我不知道需要访问哪个索引.示例:

It works just fine, and I can access elements in array-like fashion by using tuple.Get<Index>() - but I can only do that if I know the index at compile-time. However, I need to access elements in the tuple by index at runtime, and I won't know at compile-time which index needs to be accessed. Example:

int chosenIndex = getUserInput();
void* chosenElement = tuple.Get(chosenIndex);
cout << "The option you chose was: " << ((MyAbstractBaseClass*) chosenElement)->getInfo() << endl;



好的,我有个主意.在我发布这个问题之前,我已经想出了一种方法,但它是hackish并且产生了警告.由于另一种解决方案不会马上出现,也许你们可以帮助我改进我的hackish 解决方案.:-)

Okay, I've got an idea. I already figured out one way of doing this before I even posted this question, but it was hackish and produced warnings. Since another solution isn't forthcoming right away, maybe you guys could help me improve my hackish one. :-)


The tuple can't normally be accessed like an array because the elements are not all necessarily of the same size. (Hence array-style multiplication to arrive at the correct offset in the class structure will not help.) However, I managed to work around this by creating a static table that contains a list of offsets for a tuple. Here's the complete tuple and related templates:

#include <cstddef>

template <typename... T>
class Tuple;

template <uintptr_t N, typename... T>
struct TupleIndexer;

template <typename... T>
struct TupleOffsets;

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleOffsets<Head, Tail...> {

    TupleOffsets() { Init(offsets); }
    static void Init(uintptr_t* offsets);
    uintptr_t const& operator[] (uintptr_t i) const { return offsets[i]; }

    uintptr_t offsets[sizeof...(Tail) + 1];


template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
void TupleOffsets<Head, Tail...>::Init(uintptr_t* offsets) {

    typedef Tuple<Head, Tail...> Type;

    *offsets = offsetof(Type, element);


template <>
struct TupleOffsets<> {

    TupleOffsets() {}
    static void Init(uintptr_t* offsets) {}


template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
class Tuple<Head, Tail...> : public Tuple<Tail...> {

    Head element;

    void* Get(uintptr_t i) {
        return (uint8_t*) this + offsets[i];

    template <uintptr_t N>
    typename TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...>::Type& Get() {
        return TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...>::Get(*this);

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return sizeof...(Tail) + 1;

    static const TupleOffsets<Head, Tail...> offsets;

    friend struct TupleOffsets<Head, Tail...>;
    friend struct TupleIndexer<0, Head, Tail...>;


template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
const TupleOffsets<Head, Tail...> Tuple<Head, Tail...>::offsets;

template <>
class Tuple<> {

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return 0;


template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<0, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef Head& Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return tuple.element;


template <uintptr_t N, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<N, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef typename TupleIndexer<N - 1, Tail...>::Type Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return TupleIndexer<N - 1, Tail...>::Get(*(Tuple<Tail...>*) &tuple);


在实践中它是有效的.但是,编译器警告我在非 POD 数据类型上使用 offsetof,我不确定这个解决方案的可移植性如何.有谁知道我可以如何改进这个解决方案?

In practice it works. However, the compiler gives me a warning for using offsetof on a non-POD data type, and I'm not sure how portable this solution is. Anyone know how I might improve this solution?



I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the solutions I was finding, so I fashioned one of my own. All of the members in my tuple derive from the same class, so I adapted my previous solution by adding a base type parameter to my tuple class and using pointers-to-members:

template <typename Base, typename... T>
class Tuple;

template <typename Base, uintptr_t N, typename... T>
struct TupleIndexer;

template <typename Base, typename... T>
struct TupleOffsets;

template <typename Base, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleOffsets<Base, Head, Tail...> {

    TupleOffsets() { Init<Base Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>::*>(offsets); }
    Base Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>::* const& operator[] (uintptr_t i) const { return offsets[i]; }

    template <typename PtrType>
    static void Init(PtrType* offsets);

    Base Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>::* offsets[sizeof...(Tail) + 1];


template <typename Base, typename Head, typename... Tail>
template <typename PtrType>
void TupleOffsets<Base, Head, Tail...>::Init(PtrType* offsets) {

    *offsets = PtrType(&Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>::element);
    TupleOffsets<Base, Tail...>::Init(++offsets);


template <typename Base>
struct TupleOffsets<Base> {

    TupleOffsets() {}
    template <typename PtrType>
    static void Init(PtrType* offsets) {}


template <typename Base, typename Head, typename... Tail>
class Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...> : public Tuple<Base, Tail...> {

    Head element;

    Base* Get(uintptr_t i) {
        return &(this->*offsets[i]);

    template <uintptr_t N>
    typename TupleIndexer<Base, N, Head, Tail...>::Type& Get() {
        return TupleIndexer<Base, N, Head, Tail...>::Get(*this);

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return sizeof...(Tail) + 1;

    static const TupleOffsets<Base, Head, Tail...> offsets;

    friend struct TupleOffsets<Base, Head, Tail...>;
    friend struct TupleIndexer<Base, 0, Head, Tail...>;


template <typename Base, typename Head, typename... Tail>
const TupleOffsets<Base, Head, Tail...> Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>::offsets;

template <typename Base>
class Tuple<Base> {

    uintptr_t GetCount() const {
        return 0;


template <typename Base, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<Base, 0, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef Head& Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return tuple.element;


template <typename Base, uintptr_t N, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct TupleIndexer<Base, N, Head, Tail...> {

    typedef typename TupleIndexer<Base, N - 1, Tail...>::Type Type;

    static Type Get(Tuple<Base, Head, Tail...>& tuple) {
        return TupleIndexer<Base, N - 1, Tail...>::Get(*(Tuple<Base, Tail...>*) &tuple);



The following now works nicely, which is what I was ultimately shooting for:

struct Base {
    virtual void print() = 0;

struct Derived1 : public Base {
    virtual void print() { cout << "I'm the first derived class!" << endl; }

struct Derived2 : public Base {
    virtual void print() { cout << "Woohoo!  I'm the second derived class!" << endl; }


Tuple<Base, Derived1, Derived2> var;
