检测类型是否为 std::tuple?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 tuples templates c++ c++11 typetraits


template<typename Type> bool f(Type* x);
template<typename... List> bool f(std::tuple<List...>* x);


Is there any way to merge these two functions with an extra template parameter that indicates whether the passed type is a tuple ?

template<typename Type, bool IsTuple = /* SOMETHING */> bool f(Type* x);


当然,使用 is_specialization_of(链接取自 这里):

template<typename Type, bool IsTuple = is_specialization_of<Type, std::tuple>::value>
bool f(Type* x);


The question is, however, do you really want that? Normally, if you need to know if a type is a tuple, you need special handling for tuples, and that usually has to do with its template arguments. As such, you might want to stick to your overloaded version.


Since you mentioned you only need a small portion specialized, I recommend overloading but only for the small special part:

template<class T>
bool f(T* x){
  // common parts...
  // common parts...

template<class T>
void f_special_part(T* x){ /* general case */ }

template<class... Args>
void f_special_part(std::tuple<Args...>* x){ /* special tuple case */ }
