如何从元组 C++ 中过滤重复类型
How does one filter duplicate types from a tuple?
using Tuple = std::tuple<int, double, int, double, std::string, std::string>
using FilteredTuple = without_duplicates<Tuple>;
其中 without_duplicates 的实现方式是生成以下 FilteredTuple 类型:
In which without_duplicates is implemented in such a way that it generates the following FilteredTuple type:
std::tuple<int, double, std::string>
template <class Haystack, class Needle>
struct contains;
template <class Car, class... Cdr, class Needle>
struct contains<std::tuple<Car, Cdr...>, Needle> : contains<std::tuple<Cdr...>, Needle>
template <class... Cdr, class Needle>
struct contains<std::tuple<Needle, Cdr...>, Needle> : std::true_type
template <class Needle>
struct contains<std::tuple<>, Needle> : std::false_type
template <class Out, class In>
struct filter;
template <class... Out, class InCar, class... InCdr>
struct filter<std::tuple<Out...>, std::tuple<InCar, InCdr...>>
using type = typename std::conditional<
contains<std::tuple<Out...>, InCar>::value
, typename filter<std::tuple<Out...>, std::tuple<InCdr...>>::type
, typename filter<std::tuple<Out..., InCar>, std::tuple<InCdr...>>::type
template <class Out>
struct filter<Out, std::tuple<>>
using type = Out;
template <class T>
using without_duplicates = typename filter<std::tuple<>, T>::type;
它通过迭代构造输出元组来工作.在添加每种类型之前,检查(使用谓词 contains
It works by iteratively constructing the output tuple. Before each type is added, check (using the predicate contains
) whether it's already in the output tuple or not. If not, it's added (the "else" branch of std::conditional
), otherwise it's not added (the "then" branch of std::conditional