
2022-01-20 00:00:00 tuples c++ c++17


Let's imagine you need to call the following method:

std::tuple<int, int, int> foo();

在 C++17 中,您可以在一行中调用函数并将元组解包:

In C++17, you can call the function and unpack the tuple in a single line:

auto [a, b, c] = foo();

现在,我怎样才能继续只存储 bc 并丢弃 a?

Now, how can I proceed to store only b and c and to discard a?


Currently, I'm only aware of two options:

1 - 我可以在自动解包时使用虚拟变量

1 - I can use a dummy variable when auto-unpacking


However, the dummy variable will be unused and it will issue a warning, so if I want to silent that warning the code will be quite unpleasant to see:

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4101)
// ReSharper disable once CppDeclaratorNeverUsed
auto [_, b, c] = foo();
#pragma warning(pop)


2 - 我可以存储整个元组并使用 std::get 来检索对我需要的唯一变量的引用.代码不那么令人不快,但语法也不那么简单.

2 - I can store the whole tuple and use std::get to retrieve the reference to the only variables I need. The code is less unpleasant but the syntax is also less straightforward.


Moreover, this code's size increases by one line for each new value that we want keep in the tuple.

auto tuple = foo();
int b = std::get<1>(tuple);
int c = std::get<2>(tuple);




另一种选择是使用 std::tie:

int b, c;
std::tie(std::ignore, b, c) = foo();



As mentioned in the comments, there are some issues with this approach:

  • 无法进行类型推断
  • 对象必须在之前构造,所以除非默认构造函数是微不足道的,否则它不是一个好的选择.
