赋值运算符的布尔和字符串重载 (C++)


I am defining multiple overloads of the assignment operator as follows:


class Foo
    bool my_bool;
    int my_int;
    std::string my_string;
    Foo& operator= (bool value);
    Foo& operator= (int value);
    Foo& operator= (const std::string& value);


// Assignment Operators.
Foo& Foo::operator= (bool value) {my_bool = value; return *this;}
Foo& Foo::operator= (int value) {my_int = value; return *this;}
Foo& Foo::operator= (const std::string& value) {my_string = value; return *this;}

这是我的 main.cpp(请参阅标记为 SURPRISE 的评论):

And here's my main.cpp (see the comment marked SURPRISE):

Foo boolFoo;
Foo intFoo;
Foo stringFoo;

// Reassign values via appropriate assignment operator.
boolFoo = true;                // works...assigned as bool
intFoo = 42;                   // works...assigned as int
stringFoo = "i_am_a_string";   // SURPRISE...assigned as bool, not string

std::string s = "i_am_a_string";
stringFoo = s;                 // works...assigned as string

// works...but awkward
stringFoo = static_cast<std::string>("i_am_a_string");


Question: Can someone tell me why an uncasted string literal is being evaluated in a boolean context?


C++ 标准在第 13.3 章中定义了重载解析规则,你可以找到:

The C++ standard defines overload resolution rules in chapter 13.3, there you find: 对隐式转换序列进行排名[over.ics.rank]


2 When comparing the basic forms of implicit conversion sequences (as defined in

――标准转换序列 ( 是比用户定义的转换序列或省略号转换序列更好的转换序列,并且

― a standard conversion sequence ( is a better conversion sequence than a user-defined conversion sequence or an ellipsis conversion sequence, and

- 用户定义的转换序列 ( 是比省略号转换序列 ( 更好的转换序列.

― a user-defined conversion sequence ( is a better conversion sequence than an ellipsis conversion sequence (

这意味着编译器将首选从字符串文字到 boolint 的标准转换序列(如果可用).现在,哪些标准转换是相关的?在您的情况下,这两个是相关的:

This means that the compiler will prefer a standard conversion sequence from the string literal to bool or int if available. Now, which standard conversions are relevant? In your case, these two are relevant:

4.2 数组到指针的转换[conv.array]

1 N T 的数组"或T 的未知边界数组"类型的左值或右值可以转换为指向 T 的指针"类型的纯右值.结果是指向数组第一个元素的指针.

1 An lvalue or rvalue of type "array of N T" or "array of unknown bound of T" can be converted to a prvalue of type "pointer to T". The result is a pointer to the first element of the array.

此转换将类型为 const char[N] 的字符串文字转换为 const char*.第二个是:

This conversion turns the string literal, which is of type const char[N], into a const char*. The second one is:

4.12 布尔转换 [conv.bool]

1 算术纯右值、无作用域枚举、指针或指向成员类型的指针可以转换为 bool 类型的纯右值.零值、空指针值或空成员指针值转换为false;任何其他值都将转换为 true.std::nullptr_t 类型的纯右值可以转换为 bool 类型的纯右值;结果值为 false.

1 A prvalue of arithmetic, unscoped enumeration, pointer, or pointer to member type can be converted to a prvalue of type bool. A zero value, null pointer value, or null member pointer value is converted to false; any other value is converted to true. A prvalue of type std::nullptr_t can be converted to a prvalue of type bool; the resulting value is false.

这就是指针转换为bool的原因.由于存在标准转换序列,因此不使用用户定义的到 std::string 的转换.

That is the reason why the pointer is converted to bool. Since a standard conversion sequence exists, the user-defined conversion to std::string is not used.

为了解决您的问题,我建议您添加另一个采用 const char* 的重载版本,并将调用转发到 const std::string& 重载.

To solve your problem, I suggest you add another overloaded version that takes const char* and make it forward the call to the const std::string& overload.
