为什么 sscanf 不能与 bool 类型一起正常工作

2022-01-19 00:00:00 c boolean c++ scanf


const char *buff = "*_2D 1";
char field[10];
int flag;
sscanf(buff, "%s %d", field, &flag);
printf("field:%s flag:%i
", field, flag);

field:*_2D flag:1

但是,将 int 更改为 bool 会导致奇怪的行为:

However by changing the int to bool results in strange behaviour:

const char *buff = "*_2D 1";
char field[10];
bool flag;
sscanf(buff, "%s %d", field, &flag);
printf("field:%s flag:%i
", field, flag);

输出是 field: flag:1

谁能解释这里发生了什么?我原以为 bool 会被解释为一个 int,它似乎是,但字符串的其余部分消失了.

Can anyone explain what is happening here? I would've thought the bool would be interpreted as an int, which it appears to be, but the rest of the string disappears.


想象一下,如果 bool 只有一个字节,而不是 int 用途.然后告诉 sscanf &flag 是一个指向 int 的指针,最终会覆盖堆栈上其他地方的三个或七个字节――这可能就在您的 field 变量之上.该空间将被 0 个字节填充,有效地终止您的字符串.

Imagine if bool is only one byte, rather than the four (or even eight) that an int uses. Then telling sscanf that &flag is a pointer to an int will end up overwriting either three or seven bytes elsewhere on the stack -- which could be right on top of your field variable. That space would be filled with 0 bytes, effectively terminating your string.
