字符串文字匹配 bool 重载而不是 std::string

我正在尝试编写一个具有一些重载方法的 C++ 类:

I am trying to write a C++ class that has some overloaded methods:

class Output
    static void Print(bool value)
        std::cout << value ? "True" : "False";

    static void Print(std::string value)
        std::cout << value;


Now lets say I call the method as follows:

Output::Print("Hello World");




So, why, when I have defined that the method can accept boolean and string, does it use the boolean overload when I pass in a non-boolean value?

我来自 C#/Java 环境,对 C++ 很陌生!


"Hello World" 是一个类型为array of 12 const char"的字符串字面量,可以转换为指向 const char 的指针",然后又可以转换为 bool.这正是正在发生的事情.编译器更喜欢使用 std::string 的转换构造函数.

"Hello World" is a string literal of type "array of 12 const char" which can be converted to a "pointer to const char" which can in turn be converted to a bool. That's precisely what is happening. The compiler prefers this to using std::string's conversion constructor.

涉及转换构造函数的转换序列称为用户定义的转换序列.从 "Hello World"bool 的转换是一个标准转换序列.标准规定标准转换序列始终优于用户定义的转换序列(第 节):

A conversion sequence involving a conversion constructor is known as a user-defined conversion sequence. The conversion from "Hello World" to a bool is a standard conversion sequence. The standard states that a standard conversion sequence is always better than a user-defined conversion sequence (§

标准转换序列 ( 是比用户定义的转换序列或省略号转换序列更好的转换序列

a standard conversion sequence ( is a better conversion sequence than a user-defined conversion sequence or an ellipsis conversion sequence


This "better conversion sequence" analysis is done for each argument of each viable function (and you only have one argument) and the better function is chosen by overload resolution.

如果你想确保调用 std::string 版本,你需要给它一个 std::string:

If you want to make sure the std::string version is called, you need to give it an std::string:

Output::Print(std::string("Hello World"));
