为什么 c++ 中 char 和 bool 的大小相同?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean c++

我正在阅读 C++ 编程语言. Stroustrup 在其中指出 sizeof(char) == 11 <= sizeof(bool).具体取决于实施.为什么像布尔值这样简单的值会占用与字符相同的空间?

I'm reading The C++ Programming Language. In it Stroustrup states that sizeof(char) == 1 and 1 <= sizeof(bool). The specifics depend on the implementation. Why would such a simple value as a boolean take the same space as a char?



In modern computer architectures, a byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory. To pack multiple bits into a byte requires applying extra bit-shift operations. At the compiler level, it's a trade off of memory vs. speed requirements (and in high-performance software, those extra bit-shift operations can add up and slow down the application needlessly).
