C++ bool 返回 0 1 而不是 true false

2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean overloading c++

我重载了 equals(包括 == 和 !=),它检查两个对象是否相等,然后返回一个布尔值.

I have overloaded equals (including == and !=) that checks if two objects are equals and then returns a boolean.

不幸的是,它打印的是 0 或 1.我知道它是正确的,但为了便于阅读,我无法弄清楚如何让它打印 true 或 false.

Unfortunately, it prints 0 or 1. I know it's correct but I can't figure out the way to make it to print true or false for readability purposes.


if (a.equals(b))
    return true;

return false;

但是,C++ 很顽固,输出 0 或 1.

However, C++ is stubborn enough to output 0 or 1.


编辑 - 打印完成:

cout << "a == b is " << (a == b) << endl;


a == b 为真



为 str 流设置 boolalpha 格式标志.

Sets the boolalpha format flag for the str stream.

当设置了 boolalpha 格式标志时,bool 值是插入/提取为他们的名字:真假而不是整数价值观.

When the boolalpha format flag is set, bool values are inserted/extracted as their names: true and false instead of integral values.

可以使用 noboolalpha 操纵器取消设置此标志.

This flag can be unset with the noboolalpha manipulator.

初始化时标准流中未设置 boolalpha 标志.

The boolalpha flag is not set in standard streams on initialization.

std::cout << true;

std::cout << std::boolalpha << true;
