pyserial 中的 Serial.available() 等价物是什么?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python serial-port


当我尝试在 Arduino 上读取多行串行数据时,我使用以下成语:

When I am trying to read multiple lines of serial data on an Arduino, I use the following idiom:

String message = "";
while (Serial.available()){
    message = message +

在 Arduino C 中,Serial.available() 返回可从串行缓冲区读取的字节数(参见 文档).python中Serial.available()的等价物是什么?

In Arduino C, Serial.available() returns the number of bytes available to be read from the serial buffer (See Docs). What is the equivalent of Serial.available() in python?


For example, if I need to read multiple lines of serial data I would expect to ues the following code:

import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout=0.050)
while ser.available():
    print ser.readline()


属性 Serial.in_waiting 返回接收缓冲区中的字节数".

The property Serial.in_waiting returns "the number of bytes in the receive buffer".

这似乎相当于 Serial.available() 的描述:已经到达并存储在串行接收缓冲区中的字节数."

This seems to be the equivalent of Serial.available()'s description: "the number of bytes ... that's already arrived and stored in the serial receive buffer."


import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout=0.050)
while ser.in_waiting:  # Or: while ser.inWaiting():
    print ser.readline()

对于 pyserial 3.0 之前的版本,使用 .inWaiting().要确定您的 pyserial 版本,请执行以下操作:

For versions prior to pyserial 3.0, use .inWaiting(). To determine your pyserial version, do this:

import serial
