如何“返回对象"在 C++ 中?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 return performance reference c++


I know the title sounds familiar as there are many similar questions, but I'm asking for a different aspect of the problem (I know the difference between having things on the stack and putting them on the heap).

在 Java 中,我总是可以返回对本地"对象的引用

In Java I can always return references to "local" objects

public Thing calculateThing() {
    Thing thing = new Thing();
    // do calculations and modify thing
    return thing;

在 C++ 中,做类似的事情我有 2 个选项

In C++, to do something similar I have 2 options

(1) 当我需要返回"一个对象时,我可以使用引用

(1) I can use references whenever I need to "return" an object

void calculateThing(Thing& thing) {
    // do calculations and modify thing


Thing thing;

(2) 或者我可以返回一个指向动态分配对象的指针

(2) Or I can return a pointer to a dynamically allocated object

Thing* calculateThing() {
    Thing* thing(new Thing());
    // do calculations and modify thing
    return thing;


Thing* thing = calculateThing();
delete thing;

使用第一种方法我不必手动释放内存,但对我来说它使代码难以阅读.第二种方法的问题是,我必须记住 delete thing;,这看起来不太好.我不想返回一个复制的值,因为它效率低下(我认为),所以问题来了

Using the first approach I won't have to free memory manually, but to me it makes the code difficult to read. The problem with the second approach is, I'll have to remember to delete thing;, which doesn't look quite nice. I don't want to return a copied value because it's inefficient (I think), so here come the questions

  • 是否有第三种解决方案(不需要复制值)?
  • 如果我坚持第一个解决方案有什么问题吗?
  • 何时以及为什么应该使用第二种解决方案?



I don't want to return a copied value because it's inefficient


在 C++0x 移动语义中查找 RVO 和 NRVO.在 C++03 中的大多数情况下,out 参数只是让代码变得丑陋的好方法,而在 C++0x 中,使用 out 参数实际上是在伤害自己.

Look up RVO and NRVO, and in C++0x move-semantics. In most cases in C++03, an out parameter is just a good way to make your code ugly, and in C++0x you'd actually be hurting yourself by using an out parameter.


Just write clean code, return by value. If performance is a problem, profile it (stop guessing), and find what you can do to fix it. It likely won't be returning things from functions.

也就是说,如果你对这样的写作一无所知,你可能想要使用 out 参数.它避免了动态内存分配,这更安全且通常更快.它确实要求您在调用函数之前有某种方法来构造对象,这并不总是对所有对象都有意义.

That said, if you're dead set on writing like that, you'd probably want to do the out parameter. It avoids dynamic memory allocation, which is safer and generally faster. It does require you have some way to construct the object prior to calling the function, which doesn't always make sense for all objects.


If you want to use dynamic allocation, the least that can be done is put it in a smart pointer. (This should be done all the time anyway) Then you don't worry about deleting anything, things are exception-safe, etc. The only problem is it's likely slower than returning by value anyway!
