无中断的 switch-case 语句

2022-01-19 00:00:00 switch-statement c++


According to this book I am reading:

Q 如果我在 switch-case 语句中省略了 break 会发生什么?

Q What happens if I omit a break in a switch-case statement?

A break 语句使程序执行能够退出 switch 构造.没有它,执行将继续评估以下 case 语句.

A The break statement enables program execution to exit the switch construct. Without it, execution continues evaluating the following case statements.


switch (option}{
    case 1:
    do A;
    case 2:
    do B;
    do C;

这是否意味着如果我选择案例 1,A 和 C 就完成了.如果我选择案例 2,B 和 C 就完成了.如果我都不选择,那么只有 C 完成.

Does this mean if I choose case 1, the A and C are done. If I choose case 2, B and C are done. If i choose neither, then only C is done.

如果是这样,如果我们在 do C 之后省略了 break 会发生什么.

if so, what happens if we omit the break after do C.


I assume these are bad programming practice, but I am curious what would happen to get a deeper understanding how it all works. Thanks


break 的作用类似于 goto 命令.或者,作为一个更好的例子,就像在 void 函数中使用 return 一样.既然到了尽头,有没有没有关系.不过,我确实喜欢包含它.

The break acts like a goto command. Or, as a better example, it is like when using return in a void function. Since it is at the end, it makes no difference whether it is there or not. Although, I do like to include it.
