
2022-01-18 00:00:00 sleep windows-7 c++

在 Win7 上运行的 c++ 程序中,有没有办法伪造鼠标移动或类似的东西,只是为了防止屏幕保护程序启动和系统进入睡眠状态?我正在寻找最小的方法,我不喜欢使用 .NET.谢谢,-nuun

In a c++ program run on Win7, is there a way to fake a mouse movement or something like that, just to keep the screen saver from starting and the system from going to sleep? I'm looking for the minimal approach and I prefer not to use .NET. Thanks, -nuun


不要乱动屏保设置,使用SetThreadExecutionState.这是用于通知窗口您的应用程序处于活动状态的 API:

Don't mess with the screensaver settings, use SetThreadExecutionState. This is the API for informing windows on the fact that your application is active:


Enables an application to inform the system that it is in use, thereby preventing the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the application is running.


多媒体应用,例如视频播放器和演示应用程序,必须使用 ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED 当他们长时间显示视频无需用户输入

Multimedia applications, such as video players and presentation applications, must use ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED when they display video for long periods of time without user input
