如何在填充整个单元格时左对齐 Python tkinter 网格列

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python python-3.x tkinter grid


我正在尝试编写一个 python 类以表格格式显示数据.我确信已经有一些课程可以做同样的事情,但是,我正在使用这个练习作为自学 Python 和 tkinter 的一种方式.在大多数情况下,我让课程按我想要的方式工作,但是我无法让标题和数据单元格填充它们的整个单元格,同时左对齐.这是我的班级目前为表格生成的内容:

I'm trying to write a python class to display data in a tabular format. I'm sure there are classes out there already to do the same thing, however, I'm using this exercise as a way to teach myself Python and tkinter. For the most part, I have the class working the way I want it to, however I cannot get the header and data cells to fill their entire cell, while being aligned left. Here is what my class currently generates for a table:

我继续将单元格上的粘性更改为 (W,E) 而不仅仅是 W,以显示我希望表格的外观,除了每个单元格左对齐.以下是我的目标:

I went ahead and changed the sticky on the cells to be (W,E) rather than just W, in order to show how I want the table to look, except each cell left justified. Below is what I'm shooting for:

根据我所做的研究,我似乎需要使用 grid_columnconfiguregrid_rowconfigureweight 属性,但是我尝试过的每一种方式都无法使用它们.

Based on the research I've done, it would seem I need to be using the weight attribute of grid_columnconfigure and grid_rowconfigure, however every way I have tried using them I cannot, get it to work.

这是我的课程的代码(我使用的是 Python 3.4):

Here is the code for my class (I am using Python 3.4):

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import font

class TableData:

    def __init__(self,parent,attributes,columns,data):
        self.parent = parent
        self.tableName = StringVar()
        self.columns = columns
        self.columnCount = 0
        self.borderColor = attributes['borderColor']
        self.titleBG = attributes['titleBG']
        self.titleFG = attributes['titleFG']
        self.titleFontSize = attributes['titleFontSize']
        self.headerBG = attributes['headerBG']
        self.headerFG = attributes['headerFG']
        self.headerFontSize = attributes['headerFontSize']
        self.dataRowColor1 = attributes['dataRowColor1']
        self.dataRowColor2 = attributes['dataRowColor2']
        self.dataRowFontSize = attributes['dataRowFontSize']
        self.dataRowFG = attributes['dataRowFG']
        self.data = data
        self.tableDataFrame = ttk.Frame(self.parent)

    def countColumns(self):
        cnt = 0
        for i in self.columns:
            cnt += 1

        self.columnCount = cnt

    def buildTableTitle(self):
        tableTitleFont = font.Font(size=self.titleFontSize)
        Label(self.tableDataFrame,textvariable=self.tableName,bg=self.titleBG,fg=self.titleFG,font=tableTitleFont, highlightbackground=self.borderColor,highlightthickness=2).grid(row=0,columnspan=self.columnCount,sticky=(W,E), ipady=3)

    def buildHeaderRow(self):
        colCount = 0
        tableHeaderFont = font.Font(size=self.headerFontSize)
        for col in self.columns:
            Label(self.tableDataFrame,text=col,font=tableHeaderFont,bg=self.headerBG,fg=self.headerFG,highlightbackground=self.borderColor,highlightthickness=1).grid(row=1,column=colCount,sticky=W, ipady=2, ipadx=5)
            colCount += 1

    def buildDataRow(self):
        tableDataFont = font.Font(size=self.dataRowFontSize)
        rowCount = 2
        for row in self.data:
            if rowCount % 2 == 0:
                rowColor = self.dataRowColor2
                 rowColor = self.dataRowColor1
            colCount = 0
            for col in row:
                Label(self.tableDataFrame,text=col,bg=rowColor,fg=self.dataRowFG,font=tableDataFont,highlightbackground=self.borderColor,highlightthickness=1).grid(row=rowCount,column=colCount,sticky=W,ipady=1, ipadx=5)
                colCount += 1
            rowCount += 1

    def initUI(self):

这是一个引用 TableData 类的测试文件:

Here is a test file referencing the TableData class:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tableData import TableData
import sqlite3

root = Tk()

mainframe = ttk.Frame(root).grid(row=0,column=0)

attributes = {}
attributes['tableName'] = 'Title'
attributes['borderColor'] = 'black'
attributes['titleBG'] = '#1975D1'
attributes['titleFG'] = 'white'
attributes['titleFontSize'] = 16
attributes['headerBG'] = 'white'
attributes['headerFG'] = 'black'
attributes['headerFontSize'] = 12
attributes['dataRowColor1'] = 'white'
attributes['dataRowColor2'] = 'grey'
attributes['dataRowFontSize'] = 10
attributes['dataRowFG'] = 'black'

columns = ['Col 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3','Column    4']

results = [('1','Key','Desc','Attribute'),('2','Key Column','Description Column','AttributeColumn')]

table = TableData(mainframe,attributes,columns,results)



Thanks in advance for any insight. Please, let me know if there is any other info that would be helpful.


如果您希望标签中的文本左对齐,请使用锚选项.它需要一个代表罗盘上一个点的字符串(例如:w" = west",表示文本锚定在左侧):

If you want the text in a label to be left-aligned, use the anchor option. It takes a string representing a point on a compass (eg: "w" = "west", meaning the text is anchored to the left):

for col in row:
    Label(..., anchor="w").grid(...)
