C/C++ 中最常用和最灵活的 SMTP 客户端库是什么?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 c smtp c++

我正在寻找众包这个,因为我很难找到 C/C++ 中的 SMTP 的行业标准"库.

I'm looking to crowd-source this, as I'm having bit of difficulty finding an "industry standard" library for SMTP in C/C++.

我正在寻找发送具有不同 MIME 格式和附件的电子邮件的功能.我宁愿不通过编写一个薄薄的库来重新发明轮子.但我也希望能够将它包含在我的软件中,而不会出现奇怪的许可问题.

I'm looking for the ability to send emails with different MIME formats and attachments. I'd rather not re-invent the wheel by writing a thinly veiled library. But I'd also like to be able to include it in my software without odd licensing issues.

我已经阅读了这篇相关文章:在开发 SMTP 客户端时需要考虑哪些 RFC?,关于相关的 RFC,我也在查看 RFC.

I've read over this related article: What RFCs need to be considered in developing an SMTP client?, regarding the RFCs which are relevant, and I'm looking over the RFCs too.


我个人最喜欢的是 VMime,对于仅限 C++,但享有盛誉的 libcurl 也支持 SMTP(以及许多其他功能).

My personal favourite is VMime, for C++ only, but the highly reputed libcurl also has SMTP support (as well as many other features).

VMime 拥有双重许可;我认为 curl 有一种 MIT 风格的许可证.

VMime has a dual license; I think curl has a sort of MIT-style license.
