如何使用 OpenCV 2.4.3 imRotate?
如何使用 OpenCV 2.4.3 实现 imrotate(Mat src,Mat dst,double angle)?有一个函数 warpAffine() 但它做的更多而且令人困惑.它会裁剪超出范围的内容.
how can i implement imrotate(Mat src,Mat dst,double angle) using OpenCV 2.4.3? there is a function warpAffine() but it does to much more and is confusing. and it crops what goes out of bounds.
i want it to make a bigger the canvas to fit everything. and fill empty spots with black.
I solved it like this. thank to your answer.
Mat rotateImage(const Mat source, double angle,int border=20)
Mat bordered_source;
int top,bottom,left,right;
copyMakeBorder( source, bordered_source, top, bottom, left, right, BORDER_CONSTANT,cv::Scalar() );
Point2f src_center(bordered_source.cols/2.0F, bordered_source.rows/2.0F);
Mat rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D(src_center, angle, 1.0);
Mat dst;
warpAffine(bordered_source, dst, rot_mat, bordered_source.size());
return dst;