#warning 预处理器指令的可移植性

我知道#warning 指令不是标准的C/C++,但有几个编译器支持它,包括gcc/g++.但是对于那些不支持它的人,他们会默默地忽略它还是会导致编译失败?换句话说,我可以在我的项目中安全地使用它而不破坏不支持它的编译器的构建吗?

I know that the #warning directive is not standard C/C++, but several compilers support it, including gcc/g++. But for those that don't support it, will they silently ignore it or will it result in a compile failure? In other words, can I safely use it in my project without breaking the build for compilers that don't support it?


如果编译器不支持#warning,那么很可能会报错.与#pragma 不同,不建议预处理器忽略它不理解的指令.

It is likely that if a compiler doesn't support #warning, then it will issue an error. Unlike #pragma, there is no recommendation that the preprocessor ignore directives it doesn't understand.


Having said that, I've used compilers on various different (reasonably common) platforms and they have all supported #warning.
