R_HOME rpy2 错误

2022-01-18 00:00:00 python r windows-7 rpy2


我知道有很多关于在 Windows 7 32 位上使用 rpy2 启动和运行的帖子.我参考了其中的很多并尝试了他们的解决方案,包括使用 PypeR.

I know there are quite a few posts on getting up and running with rpy2 on windows 7 32 bit. I have referenced a good number of them and attempted their solutions, including the use of PypeR.

我没有在我的路径中明确设置 R_HOME 变量,但是根据这个 问题,我确认 R 在我的 PATH 中(我可以在命令行输入 R 并让 R 运行),甚至复制了所有文件从 i386 文件夹到父 bin 文件夹.

I dont explicitly have a R_HOME variable set in my path, but per this question, I confirmed that R is in my PATH (I can type R at the command line and get R to run) and even copied all of the files from the i386 folder to the parent bin folder.


My issue is pasted below. Any thoughts?

In [5]: from rpy2 import robjects
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-1f019d00d232> in <module>()
----> 1 from rpy2 import robjects

C:Anacondalibsite-packagespy2objects\__init__.py in <module>()
     16 import rpy2.rlike.container as rlc
---> 18 from rpy2.robjects.robject import RObjectMixin, RObject
     19 from rpy2.robjects.vectors import *
     20 from rpy2.robjects.functions import Function, SignatureTranslatedFunction

C:Anacondalibsite-packagespy2objectsobject.py in <module>()
      3 import rpy2.rinterface
----> 5 rpy2.rinterface.initr()
      7 import conversion

RuntimeError: R_HOME not defined.


我确认此问题与未定义的 R_HOME 变量有关.

I confirm this issue is related to R_HOME variable not defined.

在我看来,所有这些问题都是由于 rpy2 包的开发人员没有正确记录他们的软件需求造成的:

In my opinion, all of these issues are caused because the developers of rpy2 package haven't documented properly the requirements of their software:

  • 安装R
  • 创建R_HOME系统变量
  • R_HOMEin 添加到 PATH,以便从 python
  • 执行 R
  • R_HOMEinx64 添加到 PATH,以便加载 R.dll
  • 安装包tzlocal
  • Install R
  • Create R_HOME system variable
  • Add R_HOMEin to the PATH, in order to execute R from python
  • Add R_HOMEinx64 to the PATH, in order to load R.dll
  • Install package tzlocal
