将 cout 格式对齐为表格的列

2022-01-15 00:00:00 string format c++


I'm pretty sure this is a simple question in regards to formatting but here's what I want to accomplish:

我想使用 cout 将数据输出到屏幕上.我想以表格格式输出它.我的意思是列和行应该正确对齐.示例:

I want to output data onto the screen using cout. I want to output this in the form of a table format. What I mean by this is the columns and rows should be properly aligned. Example:

Test                 1
Test2                2
Iamlongverylongblah  2
Etc                  1


I am only concerned with the individual line so my line to output now (not working) is

cout <<var1 <<" " <<var2 <


Test                 1
Test2                  2
Iamlongverylongblah         2
Etc                  1



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Test"    << 1 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Test2"   << 2 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Iamlongverylongblah"     << 2 << endl;
  cout << setw(21) << left << "Etc"     << 1 << endl;
  return 0;
